Hormones are often equated with the terms puberty, reproduction, diabetes or thyroid problems.
It is true that hormones centrally control puberty and without these substances there would be no offspring. Diabetes is also a hormone problem. Thyroid problems are common in Central Europe. But hormones are responsible for much more.
Our entire circulatory system would collapse without hormones. These control the expansion and contraction of the volume of blood vessels. Our kidneys would not filter a drop of blood if hormones did not control the filtering process. Furthermore, restful sleep and rest would not be possible without the pineal gland hormone melatonin.
Such a function does not exist and cannot exist. The hormone system is the biochemical regulatory system of the entire organism.
A hormone is a substance that is produced in one of our glands. This substance is usually released into the blood by the glands to control a specific function in the body. A type of messenger substance that triggers a specific and time-defined function in the recipient. Each hormone is coordinated with the other and together they form a complex and finely tuned set of rules. A single, poorly functioning hormone is enough to paralyze the entire system.
Not only the nervous system controls the body, but also the hormonal system. The control mechanisms of both systems flow together and can only keep people alive when they work together.
1. Amino acid derivatives
2. Peptide hormones
3. Steroid hormones
These hormones are, as the name suggests, made from amino acids. Example: adrenaline. These hormones can only be made if the body absorbs enough amino acids through food. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. There are 20 different substances from which all proteins are made. Our glands convert these amino acids and add other substances to them, so that a completely new substance is created. Our organism absorbs amino acids through the digestion of proteins in our stomach. Almost all hormones in this group are water-soluble.
Basically, they are proteins. Nothing more than chains of amino acids. These hormones are the largest in terms of their molecular size and are all water-soluble. Their size, geometry and water solubility are three of the key properties that characterize these hormones. Example: Insulin
All of the hormones in this group are derived from one substance: cholesterol. These hormones are fats and fat-soluble substances. Finding a connection between fat levels and these hormones is essential to understanding how these substances work. All female and male hormones belong to this group, as does cortisone.
Three fundamentally different groups of substances that all interact with each other. Example with three different hormones from all three categories:
Increased circulatory stress causes our body to release adrenaline, while at the same time more insulin is needed and aldosterol, which helps determine kidney function, is also required. So on a substance level, everything is connected.
Conventional medicine speaks of a control loop. This is closely intertwined with the autonomic nervous system. The neurotransmitters of the nervous system are closely related to hormones in their composition. There is a debate about whether hormones and neurotransmitters of the nervous tissue do not form a system.
The majority of all hormone-producing glands are controlled by a finely balanced cascade of control hormones from the hypothalamus (brain region) and the pituitary gland. The control mechanism is structured as follows: The hypothalamus receives so-called demand impulses from the autonomic nervous system, whether a hormone is needed or there is too much. The hypothalamus then releases precisely dosed control hormones for the pituitary gland, which in turn releases gland-controlling hormones. The whole thing is deliberately regulated over several stages, as this allows for very precise regulation of the amount of hormones. Hormones as control elements in our organism must be subject to very precise production in quantities, as even small deviations can have fatal consequences for health.
According to conventional medicine, the pancreas or parathyroid glands, as well as most tissue hormones, are left to their own devices. The pineal gland also reacts more to external stimuli (light, sound waves) than to impulses from the nervous system. This model is the result of a mentality that separates everything into itself. To simplify things, the body is divided into clearly defined areas. In conventional medicine, there is a specialist for each area.
The body is a whole. Sapientia Naturae’s model attempts to view the body as such. The functional scheme includes not only all hormone-producing glands, but all systems of the organism that directly influence hormone control and production. When a hormone is produced and released into the blood or tissue, it must be ensured that the hormone is not used up immediately, but that it reaches its intended destination. For this purpose, certain substances are specifically provided in the blood that bind the hormones and transport them throughout the body. Conventional medicine speaks of proteins, so-called globulins. Some hormonal disorders are not based on the fact that the amount of hormones produced does not meet requirements, but that these globulins are failing to function locally. When we talk about proteins, one property is always in focus: the geometry of the protein. Even small deviations from the geometry lead to fundamental changes in the chemical behavior of the protein. This geometry can be changed easily and can be disrupted locally in the body by various disturbances in the water balance. This fact is hardly taken into account by conventional medicine. Various health problems with hormonal supply are based on this fact. As a practical example, we will use an almost everyday situation in our practice:
There are patients who come to us with the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism. Conventional medicine does not identify any pathology and portrays the patient as a malingerer or hypochondriac. In many such cases we then find that the transport globulins are failing locally. The resulting dysfunction can lead to the same clinical picture as hypothyroidism.
The thyroid is functioning, the disorder is local and not global throughout the body. Therefore, the therapy does not have to be thyroid-related, but the globulin and its changes are the therapeutic goal.
Water as a stabilizing function
Humans are able to store very high-quality water in their connective tissue. This is used as transport water for the hormones of the hormonal balance that is not directly controlled by the hypothalamus. In this case, water has an enormous stabilizing function. Insulin is directly dependent on this water. Depending on the properties of the water, it can change its geometry. This is known to lead to type II diabetes mellitus. The quality of the transport system is of crucial importance. It should therefore be examined accordingly during diagnosis.
Immune system as a control element
As we have already mentioned, the immune system controls part of this transport system. The immune system also has other control tasks in the hormonal system, because every hormone is fundamentally immune-active. The same applies the other way around. Many defense mechanisms directly influence hormonal activity. The consequences of a disruption of this process inevitably lead to allergic or autoimmune diseases.
Pineal gland
One gland that always attracts a lot of attention is the pineal gland. Basically, it is known as the sleep control gland. However, it is known that if its sensitivity to light or sound is disturbed, it leads to massive problems with the nervous and immune systems. Unfortunately, too little is known about this sensitivity to light and sound. However, it represents an interface between sensory perceptions and the hormonal system. This in turn means that our consciousness can be influenced by this function. Psychological problems can therefore often be traced back to disturbances in the pineal gland balance. Environmental influences such as electromagnetic radiation are suspected of also affecting the pineal gland centrally.
Role of metabolism
Metabolism plays a central role in the functioning of hormones. Not only does it supply the glands with raw materials for hormone production, it also influences the entire control mechanism by directly supplying hormones from the diet. This fact illustrates how extremely sensitive the entire system is and how it works. We want to look at this aspect in more detail here, because it is of central importance in the treatment of hormonal disorders.
Quality of nutrition is crucial
Let’s start by noting that proteins are reduced to amino acids in the stomach. These are then largely absorbed directly through the stomach lining. In the organism, they are used as needed in every cell to produce new proteins. Humans must ingest eight of the twenty amino acids through their diet, because they are not able to produce them themselves. The quality of the diet therefore determines whether hormones in the amino acid and protein category can be produced at all.
Effect of proteins
In this context, it is important to know that our stomach cannot dissolve all proteins. Many, especially those of animal and bacterial origin, are unassailable to stomach acid and stomach enzymes. This means that they are just ballast that also puts a strain on the entire intestine. Unfortunately, proteins are highly reactive substances. This means that they can have a direct influence on the stomach and intestines at various levels. The effects of such undesirable proteins can be varied: antibiotic, immune system irritant, absorption-altering or hormone-active. It is the latter property that we are particularly interested in.
Error in the system
Because what can go wrong in the hormone system? The greatest damage that these proteins cause to date is in the large intestine flora. This is because, apart from a complete collapse of the flora, the intestinal bacteria can release hormone-active amino acid derivatives.
Animal food (meat) is not bad in itself. Unfortunately, today’s animal husbandry and fattening is not focused on quality, but on quantity. Growth accelerators and various pharmacologically active substances are used. The substances used are sometimes highly complex proteins, which are deposited in the muscle meat of the animals. When consumed, they then reach our large intestine undamaged. The conditions there are which activate these proteins. In response to these activities, our intestinal flora releases a variety of substances, including hormone-active substances. These enter our bloodstream and have an influence on various functional levels, independent of the entire hormonal system. For example, tissue can be destroyed (rheumatic complaints), nervous problems can occur (migraines), and mental disorders can occur due to neurotransmitter-like substances. Above all, malignant tumors can develop due to these substances. The latter is caused by the fact that various of these highly reactive proteins attach themselves to cell surfaces and thereby send the cell a completely wrong signal, which leads to cellular reactions. Furthermore, the stomach and intestines are also responsible for the absorption of many transport molecules. Water and complex polysaccharides are absorbed through the intestines. Only optimal stomach/intestinal function ensures a trouble-free hormone balance. The body’s defenses, as mentioned above, must not be neglected under any circumstances. After all, the immune system is extremely sensitive to hormonal disorders.
Effect of hormones on white blood cells
It is interesting to learn about the effect of different hormones on white blood cells. A few simple examples will illustrate the significance of this. All hormones of the third category (steroids) have the ability to penetrate the cell walls of white blood cells due to their fat solubility. This can lead to very dangerous situations if there is an excess of hormones. Sex hormones in particular can considerably disrupt the activity of white blood cells. Excess female hormones, for example, cause a reduction in immune activity. Male hormones cause just the opposite, which can lead to extreme overreactions. The question inevitably arises as to what happens to the immune system when there are fluctuations in these hormones. Conversely, the immune system can also disrupt hormone function. This happens in connection with the steroid hormones, particularly in the liver. Inflammation of this organ leads to strong fluctuations in cholesterol levels, which in turn can have a decisive influence on the formation of fat hormones. Cortisone is notorious for this. This steroid is produced in the adrenal gland. The body equips the hormone directly in the gland with a polysaccharide.
It is then called a glucocorticoid. If the immune system recognizes the polysaccharide as endogenous, none of the known side effects of cortisone occur. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry does not take into account that every person has an individual composition of cortisone and polysaccharides. If this composition is disturbed by the synthetic addition of cortisone, the immune system automatically suppresses the production of its own glucocorticoids. The consequences are well known.
The two water-soluble categories of proteins and amino acid derivatives bring further aspects of hormonal imbalance into focus. Due to their water solubility, these hormones can in principle dock onto specific receptors on the cell surface.
This process can be disrupted in a variety of ways. The immune system controls this docking mechanism using so-called soluble factors. These factors are substances that serve as communication tools for the immune system. Water plays a central role in this. This docking mechanism is influenced by the quality of the water. The quality of the water is understood to be the energy of the hydrogen bonds. This energy determines whether a hormone is dissolved in such a way that it optimally fulfills its function or fails. Our drinking water in turn determines the energy of the body water. Another important point is the fact that there are no glands that are left to their own devices to produce hormones.
The glands of block II (see illustration) are regulated via the CNS. The central nervous system uses the immune system as a fine control for this. The immune system is able to interact directly with the CNS and then pass this on to glands through its own water-soluble substances and body water. One of the reasons why the pituitary gland does not take over fine control lies in the fact that the hormones of all Block II glands are used directly by the white blood cells. Diabetes is a good example of this. Insulin production depends directly on the sugar absorbed in the blood. The organism always tries to achieve a stable blood sugar balance. More than control hormones are needed to keep this balance stable. This is because the efficiency of the immune system would be dependent on the additional control hormones, which would provide a further opportunity to cause even more pancreatic diseases.
This is not in line with nature, which is always concerned with minimizing problems. On the other hand, the hormones of the second block are all so-called rapid-response hormones. They must be able to meet all requirements within a short period of time. To do this, the entire organism must be able to control them. The white blood cells perform this function by their very nature.
One type of hormone that has been neglected up to now should be mentioned in passing: The tissue hormones. Prostaglandins, for example. All tissue hormones are controlled by the second block Water is the central substance in the action of these hormones.
In practice, this model has proven itself time and again. It is certainly more sophisticated and much more complex than the classic model due to its cross-system vision. However, this is precisely why it allows a cause-related therapy, which leads to lasting success.
In Japan, China and rural South America, there are virtually no menopausal symptoms in women. In Europe and North America, on the other hand, the problem is counteracted with extreme use of synthetic hormones and surgery. In the western world, the use of synthetic hormones can be described as “carefree”. The contraceptive pill is used very early in puberty.
Furthermore, the use of hormones in agriculture and the plastics industry is still completely uncontrolled in some cases due to the use of plasticizers (which have the same effect as female steroids).
The pollution of the environment with these substances falls back on humans through food and, above all, drinking water. The consequences are that excessive exposure of the body to uncontrolled amounts of hormones leads to a chronic deregulation of the entire female metabolism in the intestine. It is therefore not surprising that women in their thirties develop fibroids or cyst problems.
Nature regulates the female hormone balance in three stages. The main part is produced via the glandular block I (ovaries). Another source is the intestinal mucosa, which supplies hormones for the female hormone balance through a fundamentally healthy diet. The third source is the fat cells. Like the glands, these convert cholesterol into oestrogen and, due to their presence throughout the body, are able to supply the female hormones both locally and throughout the entire organism.
During the menopause, this fat cell supply is particularly activated because the ovaries reduce their production to a minimum. The slight weight gain at the beginning of the menopause is therefore basically a good reaction of the body, which incidentally corrects itself downwards again at the end of the menopause. Unfortunately, our Western aesthetic sense often does not allow such an increase, which leads to an undersupply of hormones.
The consequences of all this misconduct are also reflected at various levels and in various ways. Women who are reasonably hormonally well disposed and have a halfway decent immune system experience classic hair growth disorders, hot flushes, which are often accompanied by circulatory disorders, possible psychological fluctuations and not infrequent increases in cholesterol levels. All these complaints can be easily treated with herbal remedies.