The burst spelt grains are not only a supplier of vitamins and trace elements, the grain shell cleans the intestinal walls so efficiently that one can speak of an intestinal cleansing...
The effect of this dish is broad. The cumin increases enzyme activity in the intestines and stimulates the metabolism. The basil has an anti-inflammatory effect...
This dish is a thyroid dish. It can be used to bring the iodine content back to normal levels. It also stimulates the immune system thanks to the mushrooms...
This side dish goes with everything. It is a pure liver cleanse. It stimulates the bile and regulates the fat metabolism. A liver cleanse is recommended from time to time...
What is food actually? Should it only provide what we need for daily life or should it be more? Hildegard von Bingen said over 900 years ago that food should be your cure. A healthy person also maintains their health through their diet.